Now that I have woven a LOT of towels, it was time to find homes for some of them. Last Sunday I participated in a local craft fair. I shared a booth with a weaver friend.

It turned out to be a good day, although no baby blankets got sold. The day was hot and the old stone building where it was held got really warm - so people's minds were not on warm textiles. Only one scarf sold.
But it was a good opportunity to hear what people were looking for. Surprisingly two people asked about table runners. I am sure that if I had tables runners, they wouldn't have been right for these people. I can just imaging the inventory that would have to be tied up to create a selection of runners.
There was a good reaction to all of the colors, even from people who didn't buy any. Some were surprised that the towels were handwoven. I took it as a complement - although they might be wondering why anyone would spend the time.
It was a fun day.